Saturday, December 06, 2008

a picture speaks a thousand words!

ok sorry for the title, that i am actually not going to post any pictures cause i am afraisd i'll get killed by jealousy... but well, i shall then describe everything in, one thousand words to make up for it ok? haha... =D

the following is a recap of Jayson's past 2 years, enlistment to ROD! =D

this two years of army has been wonderful and fulfilling and hateful to say the least... from the first day of army, things have not been going right for mi already... got posted to eagle coy on the first day... den that very night, i got posted to cougar coy, got transfered to 3 different bunk before finally settling down for 2 freaking days in the coy... then again, got transfered to pegasus coy... in which i kind of completed my bmt there, (no comments allowed on this area thank you)...

life in pegasus was quite tought actually... they said that pegasus was suppossed to be a white horse coy, but the more i was in the coy, the more i feel like a horse instead, slogging out everyday, day and night, in and out... sigh... trainging was more lie torturing, and our batch had a PTI from hell, if u know what i mean, i thinthe others form my batch can testify to this too, even the 3SGs said that they didn;t have this xiong training in sispec... sigh... so much for slogging out, i tot all was lost when the MO actually put mi on OOC/OOT, but still thank God for the grace of him that i actually was put on OOC/OOT near to the end of the BMT phase, so my OC actually called mi in for an interview, (how mani of you actually have an OC interview in BMT? haha) and said that he will put my red booklet as completed BMT but a must nv tell outside ppl(opppszzzzzz)... so anyway, had the same posting as everyone else and went to my first unit!

got posted to sembawang camp, (super close to my house), as a driver.. was super eggcited at first till i heard alll the rumors of being a driver and so on... like once a driver, full time DB... once a driver, one foot in DB sort of things... so was quite scared... but ended up, i had fun i tell u... thought the driving instructors were well, fierce is n understatement so i dunno what to saay haha... pass every test on the first try, think i was cut out to be a driver eh? hah nice.. =D posted to Alpha coy in sembawayg camp, crap coy, seriously crap... bad master, bad CSM, bad staff, bad PC(until i became his PA)... but oh well, just as i was settling down into alpha coy, I GOT POSTED OUT AGAIN! ARGH!!!!!

this time got posted out to khatib camp as a project clerk, doing SAF day, in the end i ended up being a DOCU clerk, PA clerk... sigh... what life must have had... poor mi... sigh... bzbzbz everyday, cant say anything much also, may to june was the worst of my army life, not as in physically stressed but more like mentally stressed like anything... coffee breath down my neck every single day of my life, like from 0630 to 2000... sometimes even later... sigh...

anyway after that, had to do gunners ball and so on also, lots of weird weird projects coming up and all, sigh life was tough mentally... had a super backstabber in camp too... (crafted out a mail to him on my last day) haha.. =D ok bad boi... oh well, he deserves it lolx... =D

anyway army life ended le, what have i learnt? office politics is for sure.. physical always lose to mental that for sure too.. met some true frenz, funloveing ones, had backstabbers (i was backstabbed too) and ya, met interesting ppl, werid ppl, all sorts... nice.. =D ok well, realie wanan thank Gods for bringing mi tru this two years, have reallie reallie learnt alot... grown alot too.. my problem has inclined and declined alot... all the qi qi luo luo and the ppl around mi not giving up on mi thank you... =D


anyway friday after went back to get my pinky!!!! (oh how i miss you), went to meet cch, again, to go down to church and help pack the chalet for yf logistic... ok, had quite a messy time, hard work but fun... just the feel of being together ith them is nice... =D rem the fan that we brought to the container, 3 X extension wires lolx... super exagerating ahha.a. =D after that, we had street bandy, mak came after that, like super long time nv play sb till so shiok liaoz hhaa.. =D sweated liike a pig -_-... haha... (dun reallie know if pigs sweat anyway hhaa)... so ya, then had a super funny cam whoring session with ty while waiting for cch and wen to finish their meeting with the yf side for the chalet... =D will post the pictures if i ever get hold of them ahha.. =D

HAPPY 21st BERT!!! =D

went to bert's party at east coast chalet at night... super nice buffet, ok actually i onli like the yi fu mian and the fish... ok but the hype of the party, defintly was not the speech by him, ok it was touching too la, but i think for most ppl was the 5 birthday cakes that he has... yes u heard(or rather saw) mi right, he has 5 birthday cakes... =D like, WOW!!! emperess dowager, chocolate cheese, choc(dun realie know the full name), rum, peach... jealous right? haha.. they were all lie super nice la i tell u, nv had such fattening, sugar rushing cakes in my life b4,,, TY=D anyway fiana vinc wen and cch gave hima cookbook! lol.. albert soon, u are suppossed to mater it by comeing thursday and cook for us at the chalet ok! =D ty... =D ok anyway, his expression was super priceless then, his first cookbook he said! couldn;t believe it, after all he was the famour cook bert! yup and ck adn mi got him a oh cannot say haha.. hope he liked it anyway ahha.. =D (bert u got use that day ma? ahha) ok.. so anyway went home, super long journey and finally felt the effects of fatigue ahha.. ya so that's abt it la haha...


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