Monday, March 09, 2009


today morning woke up with much anticipation... dunno why, but it always seem a speacial day on sundays, and esp this sunday... nope, not dueing to the fact that it was 0803, 三八妇女节,i dun have the credidentials to celebrate it anyway, though my frenz who say i'm bitchy will beg to differ... anyway back to the main topic, ok the answer is already up there in the title... =D CYYAM DAY! for myself, i lawyas see it as a yard stick to measure and see how far i, or we, have gone tru the years...
helped lead songs with ailing today, was going tru the songs, camps and past fellowship groups that we've had... its reallie an amazing thing that itz already been 10 years... that's a decade, fast... faces come and go, somehow, itz the same faces that u see tru this 10 years that reallie makes this fellowship so special... and of course, we'll have mani 10 years to go... =D
no i wont bombard u all with a history of CYYAM again, although i know u all will gladly read it, (if reallie want go see my archive kkz... =X)...
when we started with the song from TMI, 新世纪,新气息, the pictures of the past, memorable, innocent days came back into my mind... i dunno how much this impacted the rest, but for mi, it was like a welcome camp to cyyam... take my heart, renew my life, a though provoking song, made mi think of how much i've been tru all these yrs after i commited myself, kneeling down to pray for self revival... it didn't come... the other camp songs told of so much, so much... so much so that it was all a 2 face mi... how i've been leading 2 lives at the same time... i'm amazed at myself sometimes for having the ability to take up so mani serving ministries that time... sigh... fastforward to life's code breaker, i almost broke myself... though i took up the role of program sub-com(wen, it was more like program ic), i had alot alot of struggles holding mi back...
when we finally reached the last song, 全新的你, i dunno how mani of u caught the tear that trickled down my cheek, the biting of my lips to carry on singing(so as not to let ailing sing alone), the force back and control of emotions on my part... missing camp was reallie the camp that impacted mi the most... to be honest, not the camp itself... but the people at the camp, and the things before the camp... i remember the long talks with and discussions with the com members and the honest sharing of our struggles, though it may not be indepth, but still, the support and the encouragement was always there... i still clearly remember the faithful day before the camp... i was reallie down and almost out... it was a nerve wrecking point for wen... cause he may have had to take up the whole program for the camp last min... had a super long talk with him in city while ppl are setting up for the camp(sorry abt that)... finally made a decision to stay, it proved to be the right one after all... then the night itself was terrible again... come and think of it, i reallie owe alot of ppl alot of things, and 人情!
yes, all of this came back to mi when i was singing the song, 全新的你, and after the song, wen who was sitting right in front of mi just asked like, why so sad? i just felt so home...
anyway uj went up and delivered a ''speech'' of the past of cyyam and the growth and ppl changes... named some ppl whom we so remembered... and also, the meaning of a DM and a D...
disciple card, a ''must'' for all cyyam day... =D
was truely a memorable day, great reminder, awesome fun, superb memories, and last but not least,
thank you God! =D


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