Reflections for July - 2012
Month of July proved to be a whole lot of fun and excitment, drag and bore, work and stress and a mix of emotions. bithday month, so what? i had to go back for reservist. darn it. and to make matters worse, reservist had to cross my birthday. so i had no choice but to cancel all events and polans and shelve it away. little did i know God's plans were so wonderful, that we booked out on 9th and went back ion on 11th. irony.. =)
lot more things happen, JEP for example. things are not going as smoothly as we would have wanted, too many issues yet to be solved, and i was presumed "not doing anything about it" well fine.
so many other portfolios to work on, i could have just let go but sometimes i wonder why am i still holding on, i guess, i just cant let go something that i have started.
So August, pls be nicer to me... =)
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