Sunday, June 08, 2008

the gift of being yourself...

was reading a book somebody lent mi, was well, impactful to say the least... i haven evn reallie started on the book and it gave mi a fewhard smacks already... =D just a few points to ponder for today, and i mean a few...

self acceptance always precedes genuine self-surrender and self-transformation

identity is never simply a creation, it is always a discovery, true identity is always a gift of God

to truely know love, we must recieive it in an undefended state

to know God is to love God, and to love God is to know God (1 John 4:7-8)

we cannot attain the presence of God, we're already totally in the presence of God. what is absent is the awareness

sitting with my shame in God's presence reallie help mi... Its like God was not shocked by anything at all. in fact, He semed to know everything already... and yet He still accepted mi! i became aware that whatever te shame was about, i did not need to hide it from God, because He knew about it long ago... Sharing it with God tru prayer and everything reallie allowed mi to experience His love for a tender, vulnerable part of mi...

i hope tt u ll will be able to experience it too... onward to a new and better life my dear brothers and sisters... =D

self revival, cyyam revival, church revival, GO!GO!GO!!!!


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