Saturday, December 20, 2008

YA Chalet!

ok this is long overdue... and some ppl may have posted on it already but oh well, this is just the YA Chalet from my POV!

wednesday night when all the YFs left for dinner, i was left alone in the chalet to mend it and look after the key... hungry and tired, stranded in the chalet alone, not knowing what time will the rest of the YAs reach after they buy the logistics... called them to help mi to buy dinner and seriously got abit demoralised as they are having dinner together there... i was like wow... i'm reallie all alone now...

they finally came at around 9? dunno at least the skies looks like itz 9 plus... i daren;t sleep cause i'm afraid that they cant enter the hse once i fall asleep... so they came... packed, arranged, cut food, blah blah blah... then i seriously zonked out... tired from the fatigue of the past 2 days of helping out in the log for the YF... old liaoz... so knocked out that i missed the groupings and briefing and preview movie screening for the movie: end of the spear!

early next morning, i was the first guy to be awake, not surprising since i was the first to be alseep as well... did my QT and prepared myself for the day... the rest awoke and cch. kris, ailing and i went to buy breakfast from changiV... bought cai tao quay, min jiang quay, ju quay and economic bee hoon... everything was nice... and we even had a mini celebration for weien as that was his birthday... =D after breakfast, we had a wonderful but short singspiration time and we made our way towards tampines mrt to fetch our frenz...

met chandra, who brought his cousin hong sheng and met up with the rest... piplo decided not to ome though but wei long was late... anywayz had games, whacko and double whacko and some that i didn;t play, no i didn't chao kheng, i went to fetch weiqi... by the time we arrived back at the chalet, they were playing their last game b4 the steamboat dinner le... had a fun bidding time for the steamboat, then watched end of the spear, and then we started our long awaited dinner... =D

dinner was good, toop good in fact that the food were just nice, no left overs and everyone was full.. =D halfway tru though i had to go out again to fetch wei loong, who almost got lost, and luckily weiqi was so talkative that he cligued well with my frenz so i ''didn't have to bother abt him'' lolx... =X wei loong changed alot! gosh haha... but ok la, kind of expected too haha... =D

after dinner, we watched the testimoney of su shi ming aka kelvin soh and the hope singapore project, crossroads... both were nice, except for the fact that my 3 kids did not reallie enjoy the movie, maybe abit too chim for them lolx... =X but weiqi enjoyed, and that was all that mattered... after both movies, had a break and continued on with night in the museum... was ok, funny and quite interesting la i must say... like the way everything came to life... (ok i know alot of ppl watched it already)... after that, used the net for awhile and then finally retireed for the night...

by the time i woke up the next morning, (i finally saw the 2 kids asleep, went to get blankets for them) we started to pack and everything... u know what the funny thing was? after the log and everything was gone, we called to check out onli to find that we booked the chalet till tml morning.. but everyone was too tired and everything to stay another night lolx... so we just hack and left... took a cab to bishan, i wanted to drop off and take mrt to woodlands but was just too tired that i just took the cab all the way back home... $30++... sigh...

wat have i learnt from this time's chalet? i guess God showed mi that He has, is and will be always working in us no matter we consciously help the working or not... i've always tot that some ppl will not join us for events, He proved it wrong... not that they dun come, is just that we didn't ask... as long as we are willing, God will help us... and i also came to ponder abt another question... is there anything on earth that i will be willing to give my life up for? sometimes i wonder if my faith was that strong of those ppl who went into the wodoni community to share the news to them... the good news... i have always knew that it is a special and true news but am i ready to give up my life for it? ARE U?

ps note to myself, things left to blog abt...
- Sat K session
- Wed meeting with UJ and flight sending
- Thurs extended QT and dinner fellowship
- Fri night trail


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