Saturday, June 21, 2008

summary of book...

ok... shall not blog alot but just what i've basically learnt tru the book, finally finished it, yes i know alot of ppl will be proud of mi tyty... =D hehe...

what is ur true self....
  • security and significance achieved by being deeply loved by God
  • fulfilment found in surrender to God and living our vocation
  • identity is who we are - and are becoming - in Christ
  • received as a gift with gratitude and surrender
  • maintained by garce
  • embraces reality as the place of meeting and being transformed by God

wat our false self is...

  • security and significance achieved by what we have, what we can do and what others think of us
  • happiness sought in autonomy from God and in attachments
  • identity is our idealised self, who we want others to think we are
  • achieved by means of pretence and opractice
  • maintained by effort and control
  • embraced illusion as a means of attempting to become a god(ideal person)

u may notice tt the points are excatly different, i mean of course they will be la but notice the difference and i reallie spent time thinking tru the false self pat... itz like so much reminder, and what i am now... bad bad bad... but who says tt the road is going to be a smooth one? itz a narrow and winding road for goodness sake... but we must endure... =D

after the church camp and taiwan trip, have seen mani ppl picking up and wanting to strive towards Christ likeness... i reallie pray tt this is not just a spark athat will go off, but a spark tt will ignite the rest of the ppl around... yes and tt goes for mi too... =D

jia you CYYAM, and everyone reading this... =D may the Good Lord use us as He may, to start a revival in ourselves, CYYAM and GBC... =D


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