Friday, December 21, 2007


yes i am referring to u... if there just anything i wanna say to u, it would be i'm sorry... i have sat, thought, considered, reconsidered and listed out my future directions and it has nothing to do with u... i just wanna start my life afresh and look back without saying any regrets...

jia you jayson, kai en...
be strong, cry if u must,
just pick urself up and GO!!!


Anonymous Anonymous suggested...

i was going to leave comments at your previous two posts when i saw this one.. this is what i wanted to say...

yes we can be emotional, we can question many things, we can refuse to decide, but eventually the truth stares us in the face and forces a decision. Even if we decide not to make a decision, that is A DECISION in itself...

choices have consequences
decisions have outcomes.

Take a step back and see:
A little dose of TRUTH goes a long way. WHAT can really give you lasting happiness?

Begin to see what that is instead of just knowing it in your head. TASTE and SEE, dont just know.

It was a drastic decision. Have you made it? seems like you have.. i hope thats true. burn the bridges you've crossed. Trust me, or better, trust God, its infinitely better to be RIGHT. IT IS. so be tough, be dependent on God. Get a dose of truth.

22/12/07 00:35  

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