so what if the sunday's msg was for mi?
so what if the sunday's msg was for mi? i wasn't even there to begin with... so what if there are so many people wanting to help mi? i can onli say thankx for ur help but sorrie that i've let u guys down once again... what else do u want mi to do when nothing seems to be going right... i tried going the right way and yet what i get is more pain and guilt and suffering and more nonsense coming in from everywhere... i'm tired of all these i want these to stop... but everytime i try to stop all these it becomes more and more difficult to do so... so many more things pops up and i have to solve it... u all dun understand not because u dunno how to or dun cre for mi or what... but the point is u all have never been tru it b4... u dunno what's the feeling like after going tru so much... what else do u wan mi to say? i give up!!!
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