The first batch of P6 have officially passed out, how do i feel? sad? excited? seeing that most of them had passed their PSLE, some with flying colours, some with flying crayons, i feel happy and worried for them at the same time. how mani of them are ready for the baptism of fire when they reach sec sch?? not that i dun think they cant make it or something, but aps reallie protects them from hair to toenails.. sigh.. reallie hope they will do well...
this week may well be the very last week i see some of them.. granted i wont be seeing alot of them already, missed the chance to say some nthings to some ppl, but i hope they will all remember their roots and what they learnt in aps.. not forgetting this naggy guy who keep droaning them to do certain things, display certain character, and of course all the wonderful teachers here...
well, what i can say, i have said... now, all i can say is, all the best,
que sara sara, whatever will be will be...