Sunday, December 28, 2008

Thursday extended QT and dinner fellowship

was suppossed to be alot of ppl, or at least i expected quite alot of ppl... but ended up, there was onli mi, my sis(ok kind of forced to go), hexi and cch... so we ended up at cch's house for breakfast... and cch went back to sleep!!!! so left 3 of us... haha..

went to fetch jj to cch's house halfway, and when i came back, they were already sharing halfway so we just joined in...

lunch was at admirilty place with mf, sm, lk, jj, my sis and i... ok, then after that we walked back to woodlands mart and bought the things we needed for the dinner... by the time we were done, it was like already 3 plus... sigh... draggy ppl lolx... spent ard 70 bucks!!!! oh well...

went back to my place and started to prepare the things... ok, SOME ppl still didn;t reallie help haha... shant say who! lolx... then ended up, left onli some ppl in the kitchen haha...

discovered that the corn was spoilted de!!! ahha... shitty... went to change, in the end, still the same? haha... noobz...

the rest came, ok we started eating!!! my eggs were the first to finish! ahha... cool =D den after that, some went to wash the dishes, some went to play facebook games, some went to ride the bicycle that was parked in my house, some watched tv like there's no tml and then we had icecream haha..

sigh... just all words words words like not much fun lehz haha.. but i dun have the pictures la so here promoting 2 webby that u can go to

ok done.. yes i;m taking the shortcuts regarding the photos haha.. =D oh well... tired la lolx... need to sleep le, tml still got to go to church worship.. =D see ya... =D

ps note to myself, things left to blog abt...

- Friday night trail

- Sunday XL mum's birthday celebration

- Tuesday morning basketball, zl's hse, meeting with kris

- Wednesday K session, Flight receiving

- Christmas countdown party at Iphy's hse

- Christmas event in church

- Sat tennis session and kris's e-birthday event

Saturday, December 27, 2008

official parents gone day!!!!!

wednesday(ok last wednesday)'s meeting with UJ was fruitful to say the least... he actually managed to get mi thinking, ok i admit i am a very lazy person who wont think of things i wont want to think abt esp things like the future... kind of wanna take things one step at a time... oh well... what must be tot, must be tot... discussed with him stuff on my future and what i wanna do/study/work as... sigh... all seems so bleak... but i guess i can pull tru... the working environment iznt very good too i guess... so mani more temptations for mi... =(

before that was actually sending off both my father and my mum... my dad went to mynmar for the mission trip, flight at 8plus i think, anyway had to leave house at like what, 6? damn... super tired but the most surprising thing is that, we weren;t the first one to be there... lolx... to tink i was tired, just look at everyone's face haha... =D oh well, then after that, sent my mum to vietnam... she went with dao yi, wan yee and aunty ivy... holiday!! lolx.. too bad i had night trail, so cant go(aunty ivy asked mi first ok!) lolx... nvm that, the youths came for their free lunch treat at macs, no they had to work for it, it was the prize they got for the yf chalet... i got too! haha.. for helping out in the chalet as log...

haha one post down... 7 more owing... but today cant realie blog le... have so much things to do... later after breakfast with my dad, i'm gg down to parkway to play tennis(px bro, as promised i asked u out ok) at kris's house with px and cch confirmed... then after that meet ailing to do a surprise that iznt excatly a surprise, then the evangelistic birthday party of my dearest DM... how wonderful... then my list will have another event to blog abt sigh... lolx... might as well add it in now haha...

ps note to myself, things left to blog abt...

- Thursday extended QT and dinner fellowship

- Friday night trail

- Sunday XL mum's birthday celebration

- Tuesday morning basketball, zl's hse, meeting with kris

- Wednesday K session, Flight receiving

- Christmas countdown party at Iphy's hse

- Christmas event in church

- Sat tennis session and kris's e-birthday event

Friday, December 26, 2008

worst day ever in 2008

dunno izt food poisoning or what, didn;t feel very good... but total in today, shitty things, yes literlly, happened...

total vomitting - 5 times

total big toilet trips - uncountable...

today sucks like hell...

ok but at least i finished my christmas cards(literally cards, ok u'll understand if u receive them...)

ps note to myself, things left to blog abt...

- Wednesday meeting with UJ and flight sending

- Thursday extended QT and dinner fellowship

- Friday night trail

- Sunday XL mum's birthday celebration

- Tuesday morning basketball, zl's hse, meeting with kris

- Wednesday K session, Flight receiving

- Christmas countdown party at Iphy's hse

- Christmas event in church

ps note to myself, things left to blog abt...

- Wednesday meeting with UJ and flight sending

- Thursday extended QT and dinner fellowship

- Friday night trail

- Sunday XL mum's birthday celebration

- Tuesday morning basketball, zl's hse, meeting with kris

- Wednesday K session, Flight receiving

- Christmas countdown party at Iphy's hse

- Christmas event in church

OH MY GOSH!!!!! the lists, keeps getting... lo... long... longer...... haiz.... no time to blog!!! ARGH!!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Sat K Session

well well well, the day was finally here(was is because itz long overdue haha)... finally we went back to teo heng to k again lolx... =D well, this time, we couldn't get a big or middle sized room, so in the end, we had to go contended with the small one, with 8 of us squeezing in it... =X SQUEEZY! the sofas were for onli 5 peepz, 1 stool, and 1 small table... there wasn't even enough space to put our bags and everything... even the table was used for sitting lolx... =X luckily didn't break anything this time... =X

this time, the K session felt very different, very mild in fact... itz like nobody was very high and nobody was singing very wildly, no dancing(surprisingly) lolx... did get to sing quite a good deal of songs, that only means that some ppl didnt get to sing alot... have some photos, can check it out in jj's picasa album or likuan's blog... i reallie think itz high time i get my own camara... but then again, i'll just be whoring every minute... =X

ps note to myself, things left to blog abt...

- Wed meeting with UJ and flight sending

- Thurs extended QT and dinner fellowship

- Fri night trail

- Sunday XL mum's birthday celebration

Saturday, December 20, 2008

YA Chalet!

ok this is long overdue... and some ppl may have posted on it already but oh well, this is just the YA Chalet from my POV!

wednesday night when all the YFs left for dinner, i was left alone in the chalet to mend it and look after the key... hungry and tired, stranded in the chalet alone, not knowing what time will the rest of the YAs reach after they buy the logistics... called them to help mi to buy dinner and seriously got abit demoralised as they are having dinner together there... i was like wow... i'm reallie all alone now...

they finally came at around 9? dunno at least the skies looks like itz 9 plus... i daren;t sleep cause i'm afraid that they cant enter the hse once i fall asleep... so they came... packed, arranged, cut food, blah blah blah... then i seriously zonked out... tired from the fatigue of the past 2 days of helping out in the log for the YF... old liaoz... so knocked out that i missed the groupings and briefing and preview movie screening for the movie: end of the spear!

early next morning, i was the first guy to be awake, not surprising since i was the first to be alseep as well... did my QT and prepared myself for the day... the rest awoke and cch. kris, ailing and i went to buy breakfast from changiV... bought cai tao quay, min jiang quay, ju quay and economic bee hoon... everything was nice... and we even had a mini celebration for weien as that was his birthday... =D after breakfast, we had a wonderful but short singspiration time and we made our way towards tampines mrt to fetch our frenz...

met chandra, who brought his cousin hong sheng and met up with the rest... piplo decided not to ome though but wei long was late... anywayz had games, whacko and double whacko and some that i didn;t play, no i didn't chao kheng, i went to fetch weiqi... by the time we arrived back at the chalet, they were playing their last game b4 the steamboat dinner le... had a fun bidding time for the steamboat, then watched end of the spear, and then we started our long awaited dinner... =D

dinner was good, toop good in fact that the food were just nice, no left overs and everyone was full.. =D halfway tru though i had to go out again to fetch wei loong, who almost got lost, and luckily weiqi was so talkative that he cligued well with my frenz so i ''didn't have to bother abt him'' lolx... =X wei loong changed alot! gosh haha... but ok la, kind of expected too haha... =D

after dinner, we watched the testimoney of su shi ming aka kelvin soh and the hope singapore project, crossroads... both were nice, except for the fact that my 3 kids did not reallie enjoy the movie, maybe abit too chim for them lolx... =X but weiqi enjoyed, and that was all that mattered... after both movies, had a break and continued on with night in the museum... was ok, funny and quite interesting la i must say... like the way everything came to life... (ok i know alot of ppl watched it already)... after that, used the net for awhile and then finally retireed for the night...

by the time i woke up the next morning, (i finally saw the 2 kids asleep, went to get blankets for them) we started to pack and everything... u know what the funny thing was? after the log and everything was gone, we called to check out onli to find that we booked the chalet till tml morning.. but everyone was too tired and everything to stay another night lolx... so we just hack and left... took a cab to bishan, i wanted to drop off and take mrt to woodlands but was just too tired that i just took the cab all the way back home... $30++... sigh...

wat have i learnt from this time's chalet? i guess God showed mi that He has, is and will be always working in us no matter we consciously help the working or not... i've always tot that some ppl will not join us for events, He proved it wrong... not that they dun come, is just that we didn't ask... as long as we are willing, God will help us... and i also came to ponder abt another question... is there anything on earth that i will be willing to give my life up for? sometimes i wonder if my faith was that strong of those ppl who went into the wodoni community to share the news to them... the good news... i have always knew that it is a special and true news but am i ready to give up my life for it? ARE U?

ps note to myself, things left to blog abt...
- Sat K session
- Wed meeting with UJ and flight sending
- Thurs extended QT and dinner fellowship
- Fri night trail

Monday, December 15, 2008

i did the thingy too! =D


You are Gold Lion, who is very honest and earnest.
You try carefully not to be disliked by others, and look always cheerful.
You are not good at expressing yourself though.
You are straight forward person.
You can not say things that go straight to the point.
You give an impression of being rather stiff.
Truly, you are a person who likes to say jokes and rely on others.
But once you are outside, you put in great effort in your work, and acts independently.
You only show your sweet side to those people who are close to you.
You don't like to loose, and will not easily rest on compromise.
Therefore you are not terribly good at sales tactics.
You demand great deal from yourself, as well as from others.
But you are a big brother type, and are good at looking after other people.
You have great talent in unifying groups.
You want to settle things responsibly.
You don't go for compromises, and because you can work efficiently, all your colleagues acknowledge your superiority.
You are not biased or subjective person.
You take in things as it is.
You are suited in occupation that deals with numbers.
You may be good at becoming an accountant or tax accountant.

true or false, up to u to decide... lolx... =D

YF Chalet!

9th december 2008 marks the start of the BZness for the YAs in YFs, including some YAs who went to help out in logistic(mi hexi and xinling)... yes, the YF Camp, at a chalet...for mi it was the weirdest and hardest chalet/camp for mi to go to... why? cause i wanted so much to help out in everything i could(ORD liaoz ma, got time), but then again, this time the YF chalet/camp had a mission and motive... and that is, the focus of this event was to train up future leaders for YF... so in fact, i was so called in army terms, onli suppossed to be a man in the event... helping out onli when i am needed and called upon.. cool right? haha... UJ said let them die(not literally) and see them grow so, oh well, i did as best as i could...

the camp started in church with a prayer and short sharing of seekers update and their roles and responsibilities... this time, yi qian was the camp commandant! =D coolio! =D and below listed are his team for this camp, johnson - log, joseph - prayer, yi xia - food and i kind of forgot the rest... but my point is that its all the ynger gen... so itz reallie kind of heart warming to see them grow... =D and i tell u, all of them did a fantastic job! =D

after that, i met UJ for breakfast(this is where he told mi MY job and responsibitlities for this camp - which is to let them die!) and by the time i went back(ok we were abit long winded), they were already starting to play games as in the camp had started already... some improvised version of poisonball, then there was poison ball 1.2 and poison ball 1.3 too! lolx... =X then they were suppossed top look for pingpong balls with their names on it and split into their grps(ok for the older gen, dun u think these are the games we used to play back then too? ahha.. =X) ok so anyway, when they splitted into their grps, they were given time and materials to do up their flags, HeXun - group ruby!(like wow!), Ziling - UHU(ans in the uhu glus that uhu), CCH yellow M(and yes their flag was a direct copy right of maCdonalds) and wen - the survivors(nothing much to say abt this)... so was loading the log onto the bus in the midst of all these...

first stop after church was east coast park... 3 major games, fill the bottle, treasure hunt and sandcastle building... for photos, pls look up hexun's facebook... ok so of course the most fun one(in my opinion) was the sandcastle... and wen's grp had this lost shrine look to it lolx... of course i think they did enjoy themselves... after5 that, we went back to the chalet and unpacked(the most tiring thing so far) and had dinner... the dinner was VERY VERY nice, ty yi xia! =D and the chilli wasn't enough(as usual) NASI LEMAK! haha... ok so the log team kind of had their rest when they played another 2 games, identity part 1 and 2... and that was abt the first day... ok... more interesting things happened at night...

kids were all ''asleep'' already when the last of us who were doing QT, cch wen mi, went back into the room.. there ws onli one masterbed in the room and i was suppossed to be sleeping there cause i didn;t have a sleeping bed(dunno why hexun dun wanna sleep up there also)... the we were sleeping like horizontal of the bed so chee yong was at the bed post, then renhao, then yu heng and mi... at least it was suppossed to be like this... chee yong tok one pillow for himself, and thus took the space of a whoile pillow... ren hao, didn't want to share a pillow with chee yong so he took towel as pillow... thus, the 2 of them combined, they took like more then half of the space avaliable... the yu heng and i had to squeeze into the space left for us... ok, still can la.. just couldn't sleep very comfortably lo lolx.. that was not all... ren hao, will very automatically flip and flop every half an hour, and chee yong will like sit up now and then to look around like he is on guard duty or something... then yu heng will have 3 different sleeping positions, left centre and right, and he will change like every hour or so... so boy did i have a wonderful sleep that night... and it just happens that like the one time that yu heng flipped and slept on his right side, my left hand became his bolster(tiny momo zizi toh i know u are jealous haha)... i was like ok............. but ok la... kind of had fun that night... and the fact that they took turns to wake up and sit up, i was like sigh... kids....

next day, 2 games too... raise the egg and melt the ice.. both were reallie funny and the way the games were played onli showed that reallie nothing seperates the youths from the young adults... itz the heart that makes the person... well, we had fun taking pictures too... xinling joined us today... and well, of course good things must come to an end... but the going of the YFs onli marks the coming of the YAs... =D shall blog abt the YA chalet another time... =D

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Chill out!

pics not avaliable for the picking yet, shall cont ranting about the fun that i had...

sunday evening/night after everything ended in church, immediately went down to jude's place to chill out(partly celebrating my ROD!)... suppossedly invited guests list are as follows... Jude and i(defintely) minxs, kenken, jwen, benji and jensen. in the end, jensen couldn't come cause had some trouble, if it happens to mi i'll be damn sianz too.. asked him to cum after he had gone to the police station but didn't think he had the mood already... benji and jwen last minute ps us, one kayaking till tired, one acc gf... wat de... ya ya, that's what brothers are for man... so ended up, onli 4 left(i didn't and wont blame jensen though, not his fault!)

ok so we started our dinner, self cooked and funded, japanese sukiyaki! =D it was nice... we bought like 5 packets of shabu shabu beef meat, didn't finish it though... but well, was full beyond expectations... the soup base was the best of the whole lot as u know why? yup u guessed correctly, we added sakae(lots of it) into the soup, much to the disgust of kenken lolx... anyway drinks included another bottle of sakae, vodka, asahi(not nice), qingdao and sprite(i may have missed out some).

anyway after dinner, we went to the park/playground and had like mindless fun there... we were playing with the see-saws there, trying to strike a balance in the weight... took some photos lolx... =D then sat at those weird animals rocking chairs and spoke politics for a while, like how the GRC of that area got complained and shot to death by all the professionals living in that area lolx... (tt's why sometimes i will reallie take a hammer or wear strawhat for voting)

after that we went to another fitness corner and had another session of mindless action... there was this swinging bridge-like thingy there and jude, kenken and minxs were having a hell lot of fun there... i was taping down the whole action, had a go on the swinging bridge for a while too... den kenken showed off and did some chin-ups lolx... i think he reallie damn high liaoz lolx... (such a cutie when he's on high)...

anywayz, went back to his house and kenken crashed out... minxs jude and i cont on toking crap and nonsense about the people in camp... from the mdms to the sirs to the NSFs... gave credit, and of course cheers him, to minxs who decided to go against justine who reallia is an idiot in camp, i just hope that i got my msg to him tru the email... it was already 0400 when we decided to go out for early prata breakfast, but somebody didn't want to wake up... so we decided to reitre(finally) for the night, washed up and slept, it was already 0500...

Saturday, December 06, 2008

a picture speaks a thousand words!

ok sorry for the title, that i am actually not going to post any pictures cause i am afraisd i'll get killed by jealousy... but well, i shall then describe everything in, one thousand words to make up for it ok? haha... =D

the following is a recap of Jayson's past 2 years, enlistment to ROD! =D

this two years of army has been wonderful and fulfilling and hateful to say the least... from the first day of army, things have not been going right for mi already... got posted to eagle coy on the first day... den that very night, i got posted to cougar coy, got transfered to 3 different bunk before finally settling down for 2 freaking days in the coy... then again, got transfered to pegasus coy... in which i kind of completed my bmt there, (no comments allowed on this area thank you)...

life in pegasus was quite tought actually... they said that pegasus was suppossed to be a white horse coy, but the more i was in the coy, the more i feel like a horse instead, slogging out everyday, day and night, in and out... sigh... trainging was more lie torturing, and our batch had a PTI from hell, if u know what i mean, i thinthe others form my batch can testify to this too, even the 3SGs said that they didn;t have this xiong training in sispec... sigh... so much for slogging out, i tot all was lost when the MO actually put mi on OOC/OOT, but still thank God for the grace of him that i actually was put on OOC/OOT near to the end of the BMT phase, so my OC actually called mi in for an interview, (how mani of you actually have an OC interview in BMT? haha) and said that he will put my red booklet as completed BMT but a must nv tell outside ppl(opppszzzzzz)... so anyway, had the same posting as everyone else and went to my first unit!

got posted to sembawang camp, (super close to my house), as a driver.. was super eggcited at first till i heard alll the rumors of being a driver and so on... like once a driver, full time DB... once a driver, one foot in DB sort of things... so was quite scared... but ended up, i had fun i tell u... thought the driving instructors were well, fierce is n understatement so i dunno what to saay haha... pass every test on the first try, think i was cut out to be a driver eh? hah nice.. =D posted to Alpha coy in sembawayg camp, crap coy, seriously crap... bad master, bad CSM, bad staff, bad PC(until i became his PA)... but oh well, just as i was settling down into alpha coy, I GOT POSTED OUT AGAIN! ARGH!!!!!

this time got posted out to khatib camp as a project clerk, doing SAF day, in the end i ended up being a DOCU clerk, PA clerk... sigh... what life must have had... poor mi... sigh... bzbzbz everyday, cant say anything much also, may to june was the worst of my army life, not as in physically stressed but more like mentally stressed like anything... coffee breath down my neck every single day of my life, like from 0630 to 2000... sometimes even later... sigh...

anyway after that, had to do gunners ball and so on also, lots of weird weird projects coming up and all, sigh life was tough mentally... had a super backstabber in camp too... (crafted out a mail to him on my last day) haha.. =D ok bad boi... oh well, he deserves it lolx... =D

anyway army life ended le, what have i learnt? office politics is for sure.. physical always lose to mental that for sure too.. met some true frenz, funloveing ones, had backstabbers (i was backstabbed too) and ya, met interesting ppl, werid ppl, all sorts... nice.. =D ok well, realie wanan thank Gods for bringing mi tru this two years, have reallie reallie learnt alot... grown alot too.. my problem has inclined and declined alot... all the qi qi luo luo and the ppl around mi not giving up on mi thank you... =D


anyway friday after went back to get my pinky!!!! (oh how i miss you), went to meet cch, again, to go down to church and help pack the chalet for yf logistic... ok, had quite a messy time, hard work but fun... just the feel of being together ith them is nice... =D rem the fan that we brought to the container, 3 X extension wires lolx... super exagerating ahha.a. =D after that, we had street bandy, mak came after that, like super long time nv play sb till so shiok liaoz hhaa.. =D sweated liike a pig -_-... haha... (dun reallie know if pigs sweat anyway hhaa)... so ya, then had a super funny cam whoring session with ty while waiting for cch and wen to finish their meeting with the yf side for the chalet... =D will post the pictures if i ever get hold of them ahha.. =D

HAPPY 21st BERT!!! =D

went to bert's party at east coast chalet at night... super nice buffet, ok actually i onli like the yi fu mian and the fish... ok but the hype of the party, defintly was not the speech by him, ok it was touching too la, but i think for most ppl was the 5 birthday cakes that he has... yes u heard(or rather saw) mi right, he has 5 birthday cakes... =D like, WOW!!! emperess dowager, chocolate cheese, choc(dun realie know the full name), rum, peach... jealous right? haha.. they were all lie super nice la i tell u, nv had such fattening, sugar rushing cakes in my life b4,,, TY=D anyway fiana vinc wen and cch gave hima cookbook! lol.. albert soon, u are suppossed to mater it by comeing thursday and cook for us at the chalet ok! =D ty... =D ok anyway, his expression was super priceless then, his first cookbook he said! couldn;t believe it, after all he was the famour cook bert! yup and ck adn mi got him a oh cannot say haha.. hope he liked it anyway ahha.. =D (bert u got use that day ma? ahha) ok.. so anyway went home, super long journey and finally felt the effects of fatigue ahha.. ya so that's abt it la haha...

Monday, December 01, 2008


Hey peepz, i found my ISAC Card le... !! thanx for all concerns and prayers...